Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Day...lots of time for reading!

I hope you are enjoying your day off, I plan on doing some reading and cleaning--at the same time! Thank goodness for audiobooks. I am listening to Rash by Pete Hautman right now. Bo, the main character is one of the characters you like, but constantly want to yell at because of the studpid decisions he makes. Rash occur some time in the late 2000s, Bo's grandpa was born around the same time as you guys in the 1990s and talks about the way things were which is pretty much how they are for us! It is really interesting to imagine what life will be like in our lifetime. It is kind of out there, but not so out there that you don't believe it. I really think Rash could be a very good book club book especially since many of you like Feed by M.T. Anderson.

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