Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

I know many of you have already read it and are itching to discuss this book. Here is your chance. If you haven't read this book do not read the comments to this post THEY WILL HAVE SPOILERS!!!

So those of you who want to discuss post comments to this post. By the way I finished less then a week after it came out and am itching to hear what you all think!

Road Trip Photo & Information


Mrs. B said you all had a great time and Stephenie was wonderful. I hope to see more photos posted here (hint, hint) of the activity. I hope you are all enjoying the rest of your summer.

Remember it is a Scott Westerfeld summer and we are discussing his books here this summer with a lunch discussion on Thursday, September 13, 2007.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

More Stephenie Meyer/Twilight series things.

Several of us from HHS were at the Eclipse signing with Stephenie Meyer last Friday, and I have to say, it was AWESOME. I knew that Elizabeth, her publicist, knew who I was, but I was pleasently surprised when Stephenie and Elizabeth both started to holler my name to get my attention and wave in between the Q&A and the book signings :P I already commented on this to the people that were at the book signing, but they could have had it set up a lot better. 20-30 chairs for 500+ people will give you an idea how prepared they weren't. Regardless, Stephenie was funny (as always) and it was a really fun night.

Over the past few days I've read several articles about her and/or Eclipse, which I'll link below, along with an excerpt of my favorite:

"Ask any high school girl: boys can be a pain. Fall for one who seems appealing, and he turns out to be a monster. One moment he acts like you don’t exist, the next, he drives you crazy by playing it cool — while his brothers circle you with hungry eyes. If you take a break to cut the tension, and hang out “just friends”-style with a younger guy who’s puppy-dogging you, what happens? Wouldn’t you know, he turns out to be a nightmare too."

-- New York Times book review
-- Wall Street Journal: After Harry Potter
-- Wall Street Journal article
-- Deseret Morning News: a Utah newspaper

Happy reading!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Stephenie Meyer Trip!

REMINDER! You must have your money and permission slips in by Wednesday!!

We are going! Here is what you need to know...

What? Author, Stephenie Meyer Q&A and book signing

When? Friday, August 10th 1pm from the Kwik Trip parking lot in Holmen.

The event starts at 7pm at the bookstore. We have allowed time for travel and dinner. We do not have an end time for the event. Students will have access to a phone at Kwik Trip when they return home to contact parents for a ride home.

Where? Borders Book Store Woodbury, MN

Cost? The event is free! You will need to pay $15 for transportation. Bring spending money for food and any other items you plan to purchase.

You will find the permission slip on the HHS LMC's website, to be printed off. Permission slips need to filled out and returned to the High School Office by Wednesday, August 8th @ 3 pm. There are 6 seats available in the van--availability is first come first serve. Also, we need 6 of you to go otherwise we will cancel the trip.

If you have any questions email me, recbec @ (take out the spaces before and after the @ symbol).