Thursday, January 25, 2007

John Green--The Author

John Green won the Printz Award last year for his book Looking for Alaska (which we are reading right now for book club). This year he won the Printz Honor for his book An Abundance of Katherines. This is one of my favorite books of the year. Two city boys go on a road trip and end up in this small town (smaller then Holmen) in Tennessee. Colin, a washed-up child prodigy, has recently been dumped by the 19th Katherine (yes he has dated 19 Katherines!!) and graduated from high school. He is working on a mathematical equation to predict romantic relationships. I found this book to be funny and well written and I am so happy to see it honored with the Printz Honor.

I have linked to John Green's website, so you can check out his blog and other interesting facts about him and the books. He has a section on famous last words and anagrams (both of which will make more sense to you once you have read his books).


Stefi said...

John is such a great author! He gives each character such a personality that cannot be any more origional! I really liked Looking for Alaska so I know will enjoy An Abundance of Katherines. Also, John is very good looking.

Danielle said...

Yay! John Green. He's on tour right now, and will be in Chicago soon :( Too bad it's not closer!

Bel said...

i loved the last words thing. i kinda want to start memorizing last words now.