Friday, July 30, 2004

Hey there!
So, has anyone besides Chelsey read The Earth, My Butt...

I couldn't believe what Virgina's dad would say. I can't ever imagine my dad being forward when talking about someone on TV, I mean I know he has said so and so is cute, but not in the way that Virginia's father did.

Do you think that the family lifestyle and culture seems so different due to our geographic location, finacial situation, etc?

Hey Foster...
Good to hear from you!! Can I say I told you so :)
Sorry I had to.

I am really glad that you enjoyed The House of the Scorpion.

Anybody else think they will pick it up based on Mrs. Foster's change of heart?!?!?

I am currently reading The DaVinci Code (audio) and The Virgin Suicides (5 minutes before bed or until I fall asleep)

The DaVinici Code I don't ever want to turn off. I have made two trips to the WI Dells to help a friend with her new business and would hop in my car again tomorrow if I could :)

Happy Reading...

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