Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Road Trip Photo & Information


Mrs. B said you all had a great time and Stephenie was wonderful. I hope to see more photos posted here (hint, hint) of the activity. I hope you are all enjoying the rest of your summer.

Remember it is a Scott Westerfeld summer and we are discussing his books here this summer with a lunch discussion on Thursday, September 13, 2007.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Okay well I just found another picture. It's on Stephenie's website and Haley's the only one in it (lucky!) and it's at the very edge and blurry but still! One of us was in a picture that is now on her website. If you go to her website and the Eclipse Tour section and scroll down to the picture of part of the crowd in Woodbury, MN Borders at the very edge is Haley! once again, can not express my jealousy especially considering I'm like RIGHT NEXT TO HER and didn't make it in the picture. But that happens. It's still cool.
