Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I would love to discuss this one with you. DO NOT READ the COMMENTS they will include SPOILERS!!!


Becky said...

Were you satisfied with the ending? I am really glad Rowling included the last chapter, I was really afraid it would end without seeing how Harry's life progressed after Hogwarts. There are still a few questions I have. Who did Draco marry? What do Harry and Ginny do for a living? Oh yeah! I was really excited to hear that Snape wasn't all bad!

Danielle said...

The ending was incredibly corny. Yes, it was nice to see, but it was still corny. Harry's kids names are...odd. I can see him naming a son after him/his dad (ie James Harry) or something of the sort, or a daughter after his mother (ie Name Lily) but it's really weird that he named his children Lily & James.

And the other name is way out there too.

And after Harry has these names you know exactly where they come from, what's up with Ron's kid's names? Those seem totally random compared to Harry's kids.

I like happy endings as much as the next person, but they usually are corny, like this one.

As for the rest of the book, I totally love Kreacher and Molly.

"May I hit him one more time, Master Harry, just for luck?"



Kari said...

I also loved Molly at the end. The funny thing is I read an essay online (no idea where of course) before this book was published about how some people might think that J.K. makes all her female characters sort of weak, since the hero and villain are both male and extremely powerful and such, but they didn't think so. Basically the part I remembered when reading the battle between Molly and Bellatrix was (paraphrasing here, but I swear she said this) that Bellatrix was actually one of the scarier characters in the book, and they figured that when she was finally defeated, it would be by an equally strong female character, to sort of balance out the Harry/Voldemort battle being the male power scene. And she was right, so that part was great.

I didn't like the epilogue either. I wasn't surprised at Harry's choice of names, even James and Lily both, but it was too corny, and I just didn't think it was as well-written as the rest of the book. Also, the last sentence? For a seven book series that has captured so many people's interests and lives really, "All was well" was, in my opinion, the easiest way out. Scar would have been a better last word. At least that has some significance to the series as a whole.

As for the people and animals who died, I probably cried about four times when reading this book. Hedwig was sad, especially as being the first one, even if she was just an owl, and to have it followed up so soon by George's ear and Mad-Eye was just too much for me. Fred almost made me cry in public, with many people I knew, and who I knew would tease me mercilessly about it, and when I re-read it (privately) I did cry for quite a while. I just couldn't believe she'd kill off one of the twins, you know? Especially after causing permanent damage to the other. Personally I was expecting it to be Percy, and I was okay with that. I figured it would work well as a redemption type thing for him, after being an jerk for most of the book.

Well, now that I've typed a ridiculous amount, I guess I'll stop and also add that I'm hoping to get to go on the trip to the cities!! I'm pretty excited!
