Saturday, June 30, 2007

Book Club!

Has anyone else been good about participating in book clubs over the summer? I just found out within the last week or so that I'll be doing one, and I'm really excited for it. I've missed talking with others about books I like/dislike.

It's kind of fitting, actually, since I was working during the Twilight/New Moon discussion that was at the High School that the book club I'm going to is to discuss these two books, and bits and pieces of the third.

Unlike our book clubs at the HS though, there is one difference: this book club will have the author at it. I'm thrilled for the opportunity and I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes--it will actually be video taped and used for publicity for Borders so I'll try and find the link and post it here after it's edited and whatnot.

Here's hoping the rest of you are having fun, book filled summers!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer Reading

What are you reading this summer?
I am about 3/4 the way through A Thousand Splendid Suns. It is an amazing book. I have cried and I have smiled--there is a touch of romance and is all about life in Afghanistan from a woman's perspective starting in the 1970s. It is by the same author as The Kite Runner--Khaled Hosseini. If you haven't read The Kite Runner it is a thought provoking must read much like A Thousand Splendid Suns. I would highly recommend either books.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

John Green Interview

Recently John Green visited the Netherlands promoting his book An Abundance of Katherines. While there he did an interview. Check it out! It is almost as good as seeing him in person, he talks a lot about his books Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines, so if you haven't read either you may want to wait to watch the interview because he does talk about the endings of the books.

Happy reading!

Monday, June 04, 2007

La Crosse County--Summer Reading Program

More summer reading opportunities...

You can participate in the Teen Reading Raffle--for every book you read you receive a ticket to enter in a drawing at the library. Teen nights will be held at the Onalaska Public Library with a variety of activities. Check out their website for more information.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Stephenie Meyer will be touring, starting on August 7th--the release date for Eclipse. So here's what my tenative week is going to look like:

August 6th: St. Paul --> Mall of America: Eclipse Release Party
August 7th: Read Eclipse, get some sleep, drive to Chicago --> Eclipse Booksigning #1
August 8th: A fun day in Chicago, assuming at least a few of my friends come --> Eclipse Booksigning #2
August 9th: Drive to Milawukee, spend the day with a girlfriend that lives there --> Eclipse Booksigning #3
August 10th: Drive home to my apartment in St. Paul --> Eclipse Booksigning #4


I sent Bee an e-mail so hopefully she'll set up something for bookclub, either to come to the release party and a booksigning or maybe just a booksigning. Either way it's going to be a BLAST. Wisconsin area is certainly getting hit by Mrs. Meyer very well indeed on this tour!